20 Days, Day 2 - Why Blog?

This is my Day 2 post in Spellbound's 20 Days of WoW Blogging challenge.

I orignally started a private blog for Martuska. It allowed me to experiment with blogging software and make private notes. I used it for things for planning equipment improvements for gearing her in preparation for entry Raiding. I also used it for notes on Achievement research and links to useful sites. It started to change into something else after time, especially as the notion of starting Kallixta entered my mind.

The initial form of Kallixta's Notes were inspired by Vidyala's fascinating experiment with Pugging Pally. By this time I had concluded that I wanted to start my experiment before Cataclysm and I needed a character that could tank and heal. That really meant a choice between Paladin and Druid and between Vidyala, Honors Code, Rhidach and Ophelie, they made it seem like an obvious choice. I've picked up more Paladin blogs to follow since, but those were the important ones at the time.

I knew that this time, the blog would be public, but I didn't have a plan for making the blog interesting. It seemed I could keep it as a diary, recording what I managed to do each session. My pattern of play already dictated infrequent play (compared to so many, it seems), so the pattern of Day X - DD/MM/YYYY posts were part of my planning. It was intended to be useful to me, trying to analyze what worked and what didn't.

After several months, a few things changed. Brewfest had me dust off Maruska for some holiday achievement hunting and I had a chance to re-evaluate my purpose. I knew the diary wasn't interesting to others and as Kalli gave me a chance to explore different corners, I now wanted her notes to explore different blogging styles. I made my first BA Shared Topic post and more opinion posts. I still wanted to make my blog something more interesting to others when Ringo Flinthammer inspired me to make an In Character post, which I was very pleased with. Seeing that at least one blog managed to stay in character often has me thinking of doing such more often.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way that many of your Blog ideas are kept in character, it's actually pretty cool how you tie it in with your achievements and such. It's also interesting how blogs evolve from original purpose and such.
