When I say "LFD isn't perfect", I bet my meaning is different than others. I care much less about group loot or folks going AFK. I feel a performance anxiety and can be very relieved when there's an obvious jerk because less attention will be focused on me!
I have a love/hate relationship with the queues. Late during the Lich King expansion, when we could face-roll dungeons without healers or cc's, I ran lots of dungeons, especially with one guild friend. We were both mages, but I was cajoled into running back-to-back dungeons with few fears. Knowing I had this friend greatly lessened my anxiety. If I screwed up, I had one reliable voice that I trusted to explain what I'd done wrong.
Just before Cataclysm launched, I changed servers to be with my daughter and her boyfriend. After some time, I found a new guild. There are a whole bunch of activities in WoW I couldn't participate in if it were not for my guild. Just like that friend in LFD during WotLK, I can trust them to shepherd me through just about anything. I trust them to let me know if I'm not ready or prepared enough. I know they might be carrying me on occasion, but I also know I won't be a dead burden for long.
I recently explained my anxiety as being unable to enter a classroom late and interrupting the teacher and students. My guild makes me fell like I'm just entering a room of friends.
Of course, even with the wonderful support, I dislike taking advantage of their friendship. I was horrified by my recent showing. They were laughing at themselves, saying "Oh yeah. I guess we forgot to warn you about THAT!" Yet I want to be sufficiently prepared that they shouldn't NEED to warn me. I'm the one responsible for ensuring I'm prepared. However, when there were four of them ready to go and the option was unprepared me or someone random from the queue... I let them carry my lame ... backside.
But I knew I'd be prepared the next time. Sure enough, when they gathered to run heroics the next night:

Two more Heroic Dungeons. No deaths! And my DPS was about the same as the other Mage. Actually, it was better on fights without much movement, so I know one place I need to work.
There are so many parts of the World of Warcraft that would be inaccessible to me without the support of my guild. I've tried to show my appreciation, but they just don't get it. They know I've a blog, but I don't think any have ever visited, but if you do, let me know!
Meanwhile, I finally got Kallixta to level 90! The surprise factor was when I hit, I got Terrific Trio, because I forgot my son hit 90 on his Death Knight. My daughter, the achievement seeker in the house, is miffed. She'll have two only when my Martuska hits 90. Heh.